All of have a lot of things that we know how to do. I myself am no doffrent then anybody else. I have perfected driving. I Have driven from WA to NY, Fl to CA,and CAnada to Fl, I drove an 18 wheeler. I have have since changed careers. Now as i learn my new profession. i am ever more focused on my hobby ROLLER SKATING. I have skated since i was 5 years old, I know i should be better by noe since im grown. But now i have set a goal to get it done. IAM GOING TO BE T HE BEST ROLLER SKATER I can be. I got back nito my hobby now i'm skating every Thursday 9pm-1230am and , eveyr first saturday of the month 1130pm-3am. It is a great cardio exercise it works the whole body. I WILL HAVE PICTURES SOON of my events at the rink.